Sumber : Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho
Sumber : Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

Fun Competitions BY Habema And Kago Residents To Commemorate The 79TH Indonesian Independence Day

Radar Nusantara, Ilaga Puncak, MediaHabema – One of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Task Forces of the Raider Infantry Battalion 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in the Puncak Regency, Papua Tengah Province. On Monday, 26 August 2024, the 323 Task Forces, especially the Kosatgas (Headquarters) Post led by Lieutenant Colonel Tri Wiratno, conducted security in Kago Village, Ilaga District. During their routine, the Post invited the Kago residents to participate in competitions to commemorate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his emphasis on the Soldiers, Commander of the 323 Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Tri Wiratno, he conveyed the importance of the Task Forces’ attention to the community’s basic needs around the Post. Due to this emphasis, the Territorial Officer of the Task Forces, Second Lieutenant Dani, has conducted Social Communication (Komsos) with Community Figures of the Village since the beginning of August, especially regarding the plan to commemorate Independence Day. Based on the results of the Komsos, it was agreed that the series of commemorations would be applied in various competitions among the community with HABEMA Soldiers.

Commencing the activity, 2LT Dani expressed his gratitude for the residents’ active participation in the Monday morning event. Once the series of activities was set, the Soldiers conducted a lottery to form the competition groups and unveiled the equipment for various competitions. The community, from children to adults, actively and enthusiastically participated in the competitions, which included sack races. After the competitions, a Kago resident, Harap Yacob, said, “Thank you, Commander 323. We are delighted to celebrate Independence Day this year. God bless”. This expression of community gratitude towards the military leadership fosters a sense of appreciation and mutual respect.

Upon receiving the program report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, expressed his pride, saying, “The initiative of the 323 Task Forces to commemorate the 79th Independence Day with the Kago community is a shining example of the implementation of the results of the inclusive social communication with all parties to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region.” This positive response from the military leadership reassures the event’s success and underscores its significant and positive impact on the community, fostering a sense of hope for the future.

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NO ID : 022-01-01-2020 Berlaku S/D 01-01-2025 Media : Radar Nusantara Web :

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